lundi 24 décembre 2012


cause we are not dead finally.... we can have nice holidays moments 

diamond chocolate from del rey , my advice it's the pistache dark chocolate !

samedi 15 décembre 2012


▲thank you to follow me▲thank you for all your mails, comments▲thank you for all your gifts i received▲

▲so sorry if i can be unable to answer you each time but i try to do my best with my jobs

if you wanna send me something as you're a lot to ask me 

Vous êtes trés nombreux à me suivre et je vous en remercie, j'aimerais avoir plus de temps pour répondre a chacun d'entre vous, surtout quand je reçois tous vos commentaires adorables, vos encouragements, vos demande de mariage hahahaha anyway je remercie encore tout ceux qui me font parvenir cadeaux etc 

Pour 2013 j'annonce l'ouverture de mon nouveau site avec des surprises a venir, l'inauguration de nouveaux services donc restez connectez 

jeudi 13 décembre 2012

ASPINAL of london

The perfect gift for travelers, so if you're looking for something classy to christmas here is my advice 
avalable on aspinal of london with many more leather stuffs .

mardi 11 décembre 2012

dirty rich

my new one, alexander wang wallet 

dimanche 25 novembre 2012


           "UNEARTHED is the culmination of a lifelong love of fashion and art, and more than a decade long obsession with leather craft."

            Tonight i wanna present you unearthed. Maybe i have talked about this brand a long time ago but it's just few weeks before leaving for tokyo i have deceided to buy my first piece. As i'm a lather and especially reptiles leather lover i have bouht a aligator tail cuff. 
Price is not expensive and quality is very good, great communication with the owner too 
so it's a perfect christmas gift if you're looking for something special !

the shop :

dimanche 18 novembre 2012

0.00 Night

now you can draw your nightmares on white paper  

  0.00 Night Moleskine from Renato D'Agostin on Vimeo.

totally me ? finding new ideas on my insomnia times, shadows of nights give me a lot of inspire. Drawing, writing ..... Night is just a doorway ....
what i can say maybe you are interested to play this game so, write me here : what's night for you?!

if you like strange stuff , my advice it's to check this website :
graphote pen to write your dark plans ! 

or maybe you'll like the star wars edition of moleskine : MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU on the shadows of night 

samedi 17 novembre 2012

dosmetic revelation

by the designer

if you like the designer items you can find at this time the usb bomb on the restir online shop

jeudi 15 novembre 2012

geometrie is a way of life

discover the amazing work of steva sotnikova