jeudi 5 juin 2014


/////////////////////////////      let me be your unicorn        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

So happy to received just 2/3 days after buying my new necklace of TAIANA from

true lies

true lies

 true lies

 true lies

 true lies 

lundi 2 juin 2014

Magical tray

Last night i'm seaching new tray to put my jewellery, or makeup brushes etc and i found this totally amazing strange tray from Ibride. 
Amazing website too with nice background music. 
Of course i think i'll buy one on the next few days cause i feat perfectly with my love of strange, retro things. 

dimanche 1 juin 2014

Birthday is coming again

Dark birthday is coming again, in 20 days. 

So i have refresh a few my whislist with my new addiction on luxury candles etc.... I'm thinkg also to buy a mini studio with light to take better pics for you of course, my followers, for my products review etc....
Here is the link if you wanna check it ;)
Thank you so much anyway for all your sweet messages, mails, presents, supports.