The motto of 'Herborist' is that ' it combines traditional chinese treatment methods with modern developments in biotechnology'.
The product range consists of face, body and hair care products, aromatheraphy oils .
my review : due the price of the products i think you can find best products that works better . I think it take a too long time for the ritual and i really prefer some shue uemura porducts . so i was desapointed.
My review : defintaly not work on me ! i used during more of one week and i have any effects. yes, when i put it i can see any instant effects. anything at all .
My review : the same as the other one . No effects. Just a classic moisturizer cream . But a few oily i think because the morning i need to clean my face.
My review : YES ! it's done! the only products of the range i can bought it's this one . A very cool sensation of icing, very soft. i used it on my legs when i walked all the day . haha perfect to finish a big shopping day . !
So i'm really desapointed about this range of products, i think due the price it's not a verry good range, no effects on my skins, very oily products so i can't recommand it for oily skins or dry skins . And i prefer some products as clinique, clarins .... for the same price.
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